08 July 2004

Maybe this is too late: after my experience launching my first WordPress-based blog, I noticed that it attracted more crawler request than my previous blogs. I understand that in the other side, I did not activate ping feature inside Movable Type — which for other reason, I do not like to be visited by several ugly name crawlers.

Inside WordPress' configuration, there is http://rpc.pingomatic.com for ping. I visited that site and read some of Matt "WordPress" Mullenweg's introduction, and thing to be considered to use. Having fulfilled into all of my Movable Type's blog, everything changed fast: more crawlers came — it means increasing hits in statistics. But, really I can not yet come into conclusion that this is all only because of ping. In other condition, I push #direktif with progressive increasing articles, so it naturally attract more visitors coming due to more and more materials reached from search engine (i.e. Google and Yahoo!).

Other way to keep visitor longer by visiting other entries is by providing related entry box. I used simple and clean approach from Kalsey, and it works very nice for #direktif.

Ah, increasing visitors: I'd like to watch figures about that just as stockbroker gets crazy in front of moving numbers in stock exchange.

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