28 October 2003

One day before Ramadan 1424H comes, my router that runs OpenBSD crashed caused by hard disk's failure. I tried to reboot several times, but it still can not be accessed. First I had an idea to use router based on single copy disket, but then I realize that it is somewhat the best time to force all my HTTP service into port 80.

Due to the constraint that I have to inform all about Ramadan's start date and some things around that, I was enforced to stay until late on that weekend. The result, Sunday morning, 26 Oct., the Web server was up and ready again. More surprise, on the first date of Ramadan, that fell on 27 Oct., Serambi deGromiest hit record with 140 unique visitor and 240 page reload in a day. The highest so far.

21 October 2003

Printer friendly feature is required for Coret Moret, because it gives visitors a better page without to be spoiled by some Web pages attributes such as browser-minded layout. It is about stripping unnecessary HTML tags from page and remove layout block. I think this is one advantage of using DIV so removing block is well represented logically inside the document format.

To provide printer friendly pages in MT, I do these following steps:

  1. Create new template for printer friendly. I choose Individual template to be stripped. Remove block layout, comments, and other unnecessary header tags.
  2. Because printed version is attached into individual article, so inside Template section, create Archive-related Templates and use informative name, for example Printer Friendly for my template.
  3. Now, to use that template, in Weblog Config, section Archiving, create new archiving with Add New... button and choose Individual archive type for inserting new template.
  4. Back to Archiving page, create new archive name, in Archive File Template. To distinguish with existing Individual Entry Archive, I add _pf suffix. Because I use my own file name for Individual Entry Archive, so I make it both of them correlate. As the result, file perbaikan_komentar for example, will have printer friendly version namely perbaikan_komentar_pf in the same subdirectory.
  5. Add related URI inside any template that expose printer friendly version. For example, in the bottom of article in individual mode I insert <a href="<$MTEntryPermalink$>_pf">Printer Friendly</a>.

In short, we create a new "stripped" template and make them related in the final document. Another approach I ever read is by using mt-view.cgi that is provided by MT. This approach using dynamic view by manipulating document from database directly per request.

The bad side about my trick is: I can not prevent search engines' robots crawling these printer friendly pages, because it resides in the same directory with the original archive files. I try to save all printer friendly document in other directory with similiar structure and then protect that directory using robots.txt but I can not find any tags for to represent this alternative template. So, the final thing I can use for preventing search engines' indexing is using META tag. I know it is not good idea because the document is still fethced. Any idea?

Added on 1 Nov: In Warnadunia Forum Nimbus suggested using CSS 2's Media Type capability to handle this situation. Nice alternative.

11 October 2003

I made major revision (and perhaps get a risk from lost visitors) to my MT's filename structure. Using number such as 000021.php is less sense to a title such as Perbaikan Komentar. Truly I was inspired by Richard Eriksson's August article titled Plugins Work in Archive File Templates. His short-but-enough tutorial is helpful for me to change my setup. Also do not forget various URL he mentioned that expose some considerations about filename in blog's Permalink. Other important thing I have done is erasing file's extention, php, from URL.

As you guess, visitors who come from search engine will get a real lost because this reconstruction. Next month I hope the situation will be better.

.htaccess in Coret Moret's directory contains

ForceType application/x-httpd-php

And in /scripts and /buttons directory, their .htaccess contain

ForceType none

Added on 21 October: because .htaccess is accessed in each Apache request to that directory (less efficient) and it is easy for me to modify Web server's configuration, I move entries in .htaccess into Apache's httpd.conf.

08 October 2003

One more project: a website for our lovely children, Farras and Safira. I think it will be interesting to write some short memorable words and activities from childage. Memorable and something nice to remember some time in the future.

Once again: I am crazy in using MT, so this is the place for all.

About the layout design, I am inspired by pullovers that are used by Farras and Safira. Bright color but simple, with background in orange — a color that also represents where we live now: The Netherlands. Come to visit, Farras & Safira.

06 October 2003

After being notified by one visitor, I realized that there was a problem in Coret Moret. The POST mechanism for previewing and sending comment is failed and No entry_id found error message returned. Because I only tested this from inside firewall, I just assumed that anything was okay. Until 3 October...

Having bug hunting and finishing all for two days (not full time, folks!), I write small documentation in Coret Moret (Bahasa Indonesia). Now the comment box is ready to accomodate visitors' feedback.

02 October 2003

For last backup, I have performed with scripting both for tar-ing system's most useful configuration and selecting which directories in- or excluded. I tried to report this script here, but getting mess with this Blogger's automatic wrapping inside multi-line text input (<textarea>?) [so, it proves that editing via real editor such as vim is still more appropriate]. Finally I wrote a note about Backup in my Coret Moret.

Backup CD has been created on 20 September 2003.