27 November 2003

Having seen an example from Budsz's MRTG, I think it is an interesting point to have this kind of system's report. Unpacking it from Debian's package, I setup MRTG's page and observing external connection's traffic.

19 November 2003

Having had a dream for a long time, finally I purchased two web.id domain name for my weblogs. Coretmoret.web.id for Coret Moret and direktif.web.id for #direktif. To ease the process and also use their DNS for registering my computer's IP address, I choosed Murih.

Of course, from the old address, as subdomain of degromiest.nl, rewrite rules to a new address are provided.

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName coretmoret.degromiest.nl

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://coretmoret.web.id/$1 [R,L]

15 November 2003

With generousity from CSS2, and also thank to Nimbus for suggestion, I replace Printed Version from my Coret Moret and #direktif. It is a simple step: all I have to do is providing stripped version from original, screen-oriented stylesheet. Because MT's default template consists of main block such as links for my sideblog and comments-head for commenting part, I can easily hide them in printer stylesheet,

.links, .comments-head { display: none; }

I provide printer feature only in Individual mode, so inside its template, I made this modification

<link rel="stylesheet" href="<$MTBlogURL$>css/styles-site.css" type="text/css"
media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<$MTBlogURL$>css/styles-printer.css" type="text/css"
media="print" />

The document has two separate stylesheets now, each for specific media.

This solution does not provide separate document for printer version, instead it gives proper view (guided by stylesheet) for printer. To see the result, and not by messing printer, Print Preview menu in browser can be used.

Finally, to provide link for visitor to print, JavaScript will help,

<a href="javascript:this.print()">Print this page</a>